Hasselblad 500C

The Hasselblad 500C was a medium format (6x6cm), SLR camera which was introduced in 1957 by Victor Hasselbald of Sweden. The 500C was the first Hasselblad camera used by NASA in space. It used a Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 prime lens. This high quality lens consisted of 7 elements, was highly corrective and had excellent resolving power over the entire field. The Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm had a built-in Synchro-Compur leaf shutter, an automatic diaphragm, and depth of field indicators.

Shutter speeds were arranged in geometrical progression running from 1 to 1/500 sec. plus B. The Hasselblad 500C was also equipped with a focal plane auxiliary shutter made of two metal blades. It used interchangeable film backs, viewfinders, and lenses. This aluminum alloy cast camera was manufactured until 1970. The letter "C" stands for Compur, which was the in-lens leaf shutter.

Hasselblad 500C

Photograph of Apollo Command Module orbiting around the moon


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