Hasselblad 2003FCW

The Hasselblad 2003FCW was a medium format single-lens-reflex film camera introduced in 1988 by the Swedish firm Victor Hasselblad. The 2003FCW featured lens, magazine, viewfinder, and foccusing screen interchangeability. It was equipped with the high resulution Acute-Matte focusing screen, which had been highly improved against internal reflections through the use of the new Palpas anti-reflection coating. All the Carl Zeiss lenses could be used with the 2003FCW.


The Hasselblad 2003FCW was fitted with a vertical-run focal plane shutter with speeds ranging from 1 to 1/2000 sec plus B and C. Flash synchronization was up to 1/90 sec. But the 2003FCW could also use the lens built-in leaf shutter, whose maximum speed was 1/500 sec. This Swedish camera had three choices of mirror action: instant return mirror; rewind return mirror; and mirror locked up, which was in the raised position. The selectors of these three modes was accessible upon removal of the crank or winder. Warning: the hasselblad magazine 80 for Polaroid film must never be used with the 2003FCW, for the magazine projecting glass plate could destroy the focal plane shutter.

Hasselblad 2003FCW

Northern Norway landscape photograph taken with a Hasselblad 2003FCW


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